
Posts uit januari, 2022 tonen

How to get your discord token

  Currently, the only way to obtain your Discord token is via a desktop browser such as   Google Chrome   or   Mozilla Firefox . You can use whichever of these browsers you prefer. Here is what you need to do: First, visit the official Discord website,  log in  to your account, and access the browser app. Once you have accessed Discord, you need to open the  developer tools  of your browser. Both Chrome and Firefox use the same shortcut to access these tools:  F12  or  Ctrl+Shift+I . This might vary for other browsers. When you press F12, a side panel should appear on the right of your screen. This panel contains various information and tabs. This information might look intimidating but, fortunately, you don’t need it. Instead, you need to click on the  Application  tab. On the left side of the panel, under Storage,  expand the Local Storage  option. Under this option, select The storage under discor...